Cultivation methods

Crédit photo Claude Clin

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot are the four grape varieties composing the Saint Ahon’s vineyard. They are cultivated on small lots of sandy, gravelly land, on the poor side, which allows grape to ripen fully.

Since 2005, we have been abiding by the principles of subtainable farming. The vineyards are still undergoing a phase of qualitative and thorough restructuration. Indeed, the different specificities of the soil determine the choice of root stocks and varietals. That explains why we uproot and plant again 1 to 2 hectares of vine per year.

logo_cru_bourgeoisSince 2009, the Château Saint Ahon is part of the new certification Cru Bourgeois, this means that we are entitled to produce a Cru Bourgeois. Each year, this certification is granted (or not) after tasting the new vintage. The Cru Bourgeois certification today is a real guarantee of quality as the Château Saint Ahon is proud to have achieved every year.

It is part of our technical choices to use modern methods of wine making, such as destemmer with linear roller sorting table, thermoregulation, barrel cellar conditioning… Nevertheless, we do not wish to produce “technological” wines. Extractions are always done naturally and the fermentation process is carefully monitored. Finesse and elegance sign Saint Ahon wines. Depending on the vintage, “Château Saint Ahon” can be stored from 10 to 15 years.


In 2013, we received the certification of High Environmental Value level 3 as a reward for our efforts in sustainable agriculture.

Technical specifications of the winery
  • Acreage: 31 hectares
  • Soils and subsoils: sand and gravel
  • Grapes Varieties: 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc, 5% Petit Verdot
  • Plantation density: 7200 to 7950 vines/ha
  • Training: Guyot double
  • Average age: 19 years
  • Yield: 45 hL/ha
  • Average production: 150 000 bottles
  • Harvest: 90% mechanical and 10% manual (Petit Verdot)
  • Sale: 100% in bottles

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